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MGA 1mm PCB Surface Foam

MGA 1mm PCB Surface Foam

Regular price $8.00
Regular price Sale price $8.00
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Irradiation cross-linked polyethylene (IXPE) foam cut for ALICE Layout keyboards, specifically to accommodate the additional key positions offered in Sneakbox-designed Alice-layout PCBs, including AliceClone, M4, and M5. This foam layer should also work for other classic Alice-layout PCBs

1mm IXPE layer sits directly on top of the PCB surface, but underneath any switchplate foam used (if desired). The goal of this 1mm layer is to sculpt a "thockier" sound. While sound is very subjective, we feel this this provides a more raindrop-like quality, without muting the case. 

This foam can be used along with the EVA MGA case foam here (EVA foam makes keyboard sound less hollow):

- This 1mm IXPE surface foam pack includes 1 non-adhesive IXPE sheet and 10 IXPE *adhesive* small IXPE squares. 
- The small IXPE squares included are meant for the chosen right and left spacebar cluster layout, the single/split right shift cluster, and the single/split backspace cluster. 


Item is sold as in-stock.

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